Why Christians are losing the culture war

It’s now an undeniable fact that Christiansdavid and goliath have, and are still in some ways, losing ground in the American culture war. Atheists are erecting monuments in favor of their unbelief and in opposition to religion, commonly towards Christianity, while gays/sodomites/homosexuals are becoming more prevalent in our society. Churches are watering down the gospel with ‘feel-good’ messages about self-improvement and positive thinking, while failing to teach the essentials of Christ and Him crucified, along with a proper biblical worldview.

When Jesus said, “You are the salt of the earth” (Matthew 5:13), and “You are the light of the world” (v14), He did not say that for Christians to not be salt or light, nor did He speak these words with a mindset that culture, society, and civil government would be irrelevant in the life of the Christian. Christ said these things with a promise of consequences, that “if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people’s feet.” (v 13), meaning that if the church (God’s people) does not act as salt and light should, then the trampling would follow. The warning is to not lose saltiness.

The American church has almost lost her saltiness. Most Christians have officially checked out of the political realm in exchange for piety, and those that have remained in the discussion have been raised in a pseudo-Christian worldview. Protect Israel, lower taxes, but keep fighting the Muslims, while accumulating a national debt that will be passed on to the next generation, is the common expression of that.

Street preaching, a ministry that has become more common within the past few years, is a relief at least in the current climate of moral decline. However, the church has been lacking in proper evangelism and apologetics for so long that the enemy is not just at the doorstep, but is also in the home. The church has retreated into the closet while the homosexuals have come out. Christians have been avoiding the culture war for so long that we now have to play catch-up.

The enemies of God have been given free reign of the American culture because Christians have neglected it. Christians forgot that they once had a culture. Beer crafting, cigar smoking, the best e cig and innovating, designing, drawing, writing, music, good food, etc. These are all parts of a Christian culture, but mean nothing without the proper worldview. With a worldview that promises gloom and doom in the “near” future, culture is meaningless. Innovation and technology are meaningless. If a worldview is only concerned with immediate salvation of the soul and a life of personal (secluded) sanctification then nothing else matters. Yet, this is not the worldview that has created Western culture. It was the biblical principles of progress, personal responsibility, honoring of God and fellow man (not in order or importance) that has created the great things of the world today. Sin and sinful men are the ones that ruin the world, not a decree from God of progressive destruction of the entire world and human race. The gospel truly is good news, not from the humanistic perspective, but from all perspectives.

The majority of religions contain a doctrine about good and evil, and most have an idea of how evil will forever be blotted out. However, they are all wrong. All other views on evil are wrong and anti-God. Christians are the only ones that have the real answer and can say “I understand life”. It is Christians who know that evil will be blotted out, and it’s by Christ. The gospel is about the glory of God, Christ, the destruction of evil (kingdom of Satan), forgiveness towards God’s chosen people, and the reign of Christ on earth, over evil. The church is vessel that is used to destroy evil (by the Holy Spirit and Christ of course).

The church has no reason to be afraid of the world, for Christ has overcome the world (John 16:33). He is sitting down at the right hand of the throne of God, awaiting all His enemies to be made His footstool (Psalm 110:1, Hebrews 12:2), and His government will increase (Isaiah 9:7), not Satan’s, as the Rock that was not formed by human hands will fill the earth (Daniel 2:35,44,45).


  • gays are NOT becoming “more prevalent in our society” it is simply that they no longer fear the type of persecution that once plagued them and so they no longer feel the need to remain hidden. There have always been Gay people since the beginning. There are no more or less now than in the past (as a percentage of the population)

    • I believe that is innaccurate being that there is no Scriptural basis. For example:

      “There have always been Gay people since the beginning.”
      That is lacking a Scriptural reference, since Scripture,
      1)does not teach that there were homosexuals at the fall of man (which is what the beginning was, unless you’re saying homos existed before the fall), and…
      2)Scripture teaches that men learn to become more wicked, based on their desire to express their hatred towards God. (Isaiah 2:4 is en example for war)

      Now if men have to learn of war, then why don’t they have to learn about desires to commit abominable, homosexual acts? The desire to have sex with the same sex comes from an unsatisfaction with how God intended sex to be, and a perversion of sexual feelings given to man. In the same way that men learn/develop the art of war, in order to learn to fulfill their bloodlust, men progressively learn/develop sodomy in order to fulfill their sexual lust.

      The rate of homosexuals become more prevalent in a society and culture that disobeys God, just like the rate of murderers do.

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