Will Evil Perish?

Many individuals have their own idea and opinions about what good and evil are. Some individuals even have varying degrees of good and evil. For some, adultery is not that evil if it were done in revenge and physical assault is justified if one were being slandered. To state that evil is “the opposite of good” is insufficient and just silly; […]

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Democracy: An Economical Morality

The Christian will face several issues within his lifetime. The Christian first encounters the transcendent issue; God and the sinner’s condemnation. After Christians respond to the gospel call (the effectual calling) the renewing of the mind takes place in the saint’s life. This consists of personal sanctification, thirst for God’s Word, and the study of theology. However, one area that […]

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Why Christians are losing the culture war

It’s now an undeniable fact that Christians have, and are still in some ways, losing ground in the American culture war. Atheists are erecting monuments in favor of their unbelief and in opposition to religion, commonly towards Christianity, while gays/sodomites/homosexuals are becoming more prevalent in our society. Churches are watering down the gospel with ‘feel-good’ messages about self-improvement and positive […]

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Never Forget

The pride and sense of accomplishment that used to come with voting has blown over like a 1990’s American fashion statement. The battle of “Left vs Right” has become a worn out slogan. The power of the county, district, and state to elect delegates and slate members is no longer a certainty, but is now under the jurisdiction of the […]

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Modern Boston Massacre

The Boston Marathon, held on Patriot’s Day, was concluded with the explosion of two devices, leaving many wounded and a few killed. This event will be the start of something commonplace in American society as states, cities, and the nation moves towards a humanistic, progressive, socialist, anti-God civil government and culture. The event is sad, no matter how theological we […]

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For the Record

As a Christian that has come out of nominalism, legalism,  Arminianism, mild anti-nomianism, premillennialism, and an anti-theonomic system, I can see the errors I have made, and how I wrongly treated those that disagreed with me. I see the same thing being done against those of us who would hold to post-millennialism, partial preterism, or theonomy. Hardly are we ever […]

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