Geithner, Schäuble, and Draghi Propping the Idol, Again

The Philistines were smart people. It took them two days to figure out that no idol could stand upright in the presence of God. The story is told in 1 Samuel 5. The Philistines captured the Ark of the Lord and brought it to their temple, the house of Dagon. The next morning, when they arose, the statue of Dagon was lying on its face on the ground before the Ark of the Lord. They took it up and put it back in its place; idols are known to need human help, every once in a while. The next morning they arose, and behold, Dagon was lying on his face again, and this time his head and the palms of his hands were cut off on the threshold of Dagon; only the trunk was left. The Philistine priests didn’t need a third warning. The text says after this incident, they never trod on the threshold of Dagon again. And then, when the whole land was afflicted with tumors, the Philistines realized it immediately: “The ark of the God of Israel must not remain with us, for His hand is severe on us and on Dagon our god.” This shows a population that is intelligent enough to put two and two together quite easy. The Philistines didn’t need much to figure out the cause-effect relationship between their religious practice and the curse on the land.

The European leaders are not as smart. For several years now they wake up every morning, and the idol of the Euro is on its face down, broken into more and more pieces, unable to recover, or to become one piece again. But they don’t learn. They patiently go to the temple and patiently stick the pieces together with glue and duck tape, vowing to never allow the Euro to fail. The next morning the thing is broken into many more pieces, but don’t you worry, they gather together in their endless conferences, meetings, and sessions, and spend greater quantities of glue and duct tape.

As the new President of the European Central Bank Mario Draghi said, he will do “whatever it takes” to preserve the Euro. Imagine the logical consequences of such statement. If you can’t, I will help you: Imagine Europe in ruins, something like Berlin in May 1945, and Draghi going around offering freshly printed Euros. Whatever it takes. The collapse of Europe? Sure. Whatever it takes. The scam is real?

The Euro, of course, was created with one idea: As part of a greater project to prove to the world that Europe can replicate the economic growth of its past without the Biblical faith, the Biblical work ethic, and the Biblical monetary system – that is, the gold standard – that created the economic and technological growth in the first place. The European leaders in the last two generations exchanged the Biblical faith for a faith in the government, the Biblical work ethic for the ethic of welfare entitlements, and the Biblical monetary system for fiat money. And since the individual nations were not producing the growth, a centralized system – especially in terms of the money supply – would certainly do the magic. And the European Union would be the end of history, finally, the perfect system created without God, with the government promising everything people want, and the government supplying it through a centralized system of money printing.

The system started breaking down very early but no one paid attention to it: None of the original members of the Euro zone actually met any of the criteria – like debt-to-GDP ratio or government budget deficits or big pay day loans – and none of them had any intention to meet those criteria. That would be good, if it stayed there. But there was no concerted effort to discipline the governments to not go deeper in debt; and how could anyone discipline a government which is desperately trying to play god. So, by the law of entropy, the governments promised more, and borrowed to fulfill these promises. That is, as I said above, every idol needs human help every once in a while, to maintain its upright position. This time the human help came from those who worked and saved, and were gullible enough to save their money in banks that finance governments but not anymore cause gold ira rollover its here.

Until those who saved money to support the idol through their savings said enough is enough. And the Greek government suddenly discovered that the idol is on its face, and the promises for salaries and pensions for its government employees and retirees can not be met. And then Ireland discovered it too. And then Portugal. And then Spain. And then Italy. The idol kept falling on its face, breaking into smaller and smaller pieces.

And the European leaders keep propping it up back again. Whatever it takes. They don’t have to be as smart as the Philistines of old. Whatever it takes.

This time, obviously, it took Timothy Geithner and the American taxpayer. Geithner went to visit the German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble in his vacation home on the island of Sylt in the North Sea. The reason for such prompt visit? To do “everything needed” to protect the Eurozone.

In other words, Europe is running out of glue and duct tape, and the American taxpayer is expected to provide these very important materials for the survival of the cult of the Euro. Whatever it takes. The fact that the Euro is collapsing so spectacularly can’t make those “leaders” stop for a moment and think, “Why, may be it was a bad idea in the first place, what do you say?” No. Tony Blair made sure he explained in an article in the German Bild, “To give up the euro now would be a catastrophe economically, not just politically.” And to stick to it won’t be, right? But scare tactics always works, especially on populations that prefer idols to the living God. “Don’t you dare abandon the euro, the economy will collapse.”

Timothy Geithner’s visit is in vain. The idol will keep falling and breaking. The problem has nothing to do with political decisions, it has everything to do with the false religion Europe has adopted: The religion of the state as god walking on earth. The religion of the state promising what only God can promise, and trying to deliver what only God can deliver. The political religion of Europe brought the current curse upon its head; and only a return to Christ will restore Europe as it has been in the past.

To Draghi’s promise to preserve the euro “whatever it takes,” God has an answer: “I will destroy that idol, whatever it takes.” If it takes the destruction of Europe, so be it. God won’t be mocked by a bunch of politicians that have less brains than those Philistine priests of old.

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