Houston Mayor Demands that Pastors Live Up to Their Own Theology

If Christian media were honest, this would be the headline they would use for the conflict between the Mayor of Houston Annise Parker, and the Houston pastors. I am not surprised by Parker’s actions. She is a moral pervert, after all, an open rebel against God, and we should expect her to be consistent with her perversion in all, including […]

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A Scare a Week Keeps the Populace Meek

First there were the nine thousand Central American children who were being smuggled through the border. Nine thousand, enough to make the American economy collapse. Then they were fifteen thousand, or may be forty thousand. Then they were not children but grown up teenagers, all tattooed members of Mexican gangs. Then they were 100,000 Mexican gang members being shipped into […]

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The Georgia State Convention Scandal

After the 2012 Republican National Convention (RNC) set the standard for how much corruption could be tolerated and accepted (without creating an issue), the state, district, and county governments are now replicating the same corruption. Along with this corruption comes a veiled platform proclaiming open discussion, unity in the party, grassroots movement, and reaching out to others, while hypocritically silencing individuals, cutting down […]

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Never Forget

The pride and sense of accomplishment that used to come with voting has blown over like a 1990’s American fashion statement. The battle of “Left vs Right” has become a worn out slogan. The power of the county, district, and state to elect delegates and slate members is no longer a certainty, but is now under the jurisdiction of the […]

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