Quoting the Immigration Law of 1952 Is a Bad Idea for Conservatives

The new low of conservative schizophrenia, of course, was using Jimmy Carter’s immoral executive actions against Iranians in the US as an excuse and even legitimization of Trump’s statement that we need a ban on all Muslim travel to the US. Yes, seriously, Jimmy Carter. Yes, the same person whom conservatives just until yesterday brought up as the worst president […]

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Political Opportunism Doesn’t Fight Tyranny, It Perpetuates It

I’m sorry I need to burst this bubble, but the Republican governors’ “rebellion” against Obama’s refugee resettlement plan is not an application of the Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrate. Yes, I know, the temptation to ascribe such noble motives to them, and to see the seeds of righteous resistance against tyranny in our country growing steadily is great. The Doctrine […]

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A Scare a Week Keeps the Populace Meek

First there were the nine thousand Central American children who were being smuggled through the border. Nine thousand, enough to make the American economy collapse. Then they were fifteen thousand, or may be forty thousand. Then they were not children but grown up teenagers, all tattooed members of Mexican gangs. Then they were 100,000 Mexican gang members being shipped into […]

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